Sid and Pat meet us in Tahiti
Between Tahiti, and Tonga there lies Moorea, Huahine, Raiatea, Palmerston, Beverage Reef, Niue, Pina Colada’s turbulent wake and some great memories. We bypassed other stopping points which zigzag throughout this ruffled blue area, leapfrogging forward ahead of the major cruising fleet. The chilly reminder that we must be out of the South Pacific by November sometimes gatecrashes our consciousness.
We cruised out of the lagoon near Marina Tania after saying farewell to our good cruising mates anchored there (Coconuts, Love Zone, Dream weaver, Afriki, Avventura ….Tahiti is a real rendezvous point). Sid Richardson and Pat Vandervelden had flown to crew with us onto Raiatea where they had planned to fly back to NZ. Nick and I were swamped in gourmet delights and gifts all the way from NZ. The day faded with warm watercolours.
We cruised out of the lagoon near Marina Tania after saying farewell to our good cruising mates anchored there (Coconuts, Love Zone, Dream weaver, Afriki, Avventura ….Tahiti is a real rendezvous point). Sid Richardson and Pat Vandervelden had flown to crew with us onto Raiatea where they had planned to fly back to NZ. Nick and I were swamped in gourmet delights and gifts all the way from NZ. The day faded with warm watercolours.