The Adventures of Nick and Blue

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rodney Bay Marina where we polished the topsides

We have been busy. In Rodney Bay Marina we cleaned and polished the topsides. We were a little stung by Kennedy, the local West Indian man who we hired to help us. There is no quality assurance when you hire someone straight off the dockside. We soon leaned, after he put his polishing rag down for good that he wasn’t a labourer at all, he was a musician, and he kindly give us his CD. From here we sailed the 15 miles or so to the Pitons. On coming into the bay of Soufriere we were T-boned by a boat-boy who got the throttle stuck on this 75 horse power outboard whilst planing in his fibreglass 20 foot open boat. The boat-boys in St Lucia will zoom up to you and ask if you need mooring assistance or a tour guide. They often have bread, crayfish or fruit and veggies for sale. We were extremely lucky he didn’t hole the hull or ride up and kill me; instead he banged the cap rail hard and dented a stanchion. We had no recourse


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