The Adventures of Nick and Blue

Saturday, August 26, 2006

We made full sail to the Lemon Cays, Dad on the helm, Nick up the mast spotting the reef passes, and me on the sheets. Within minutes of anchoring we were swarmed by Cayuca’s (dug out canoes) and mola selling ladies. Mola’s are squares of material decorated with intricate reverse appliqué needlework that are traditionally sewn as pairs on the front and back of the ladies colourful tops. Dad purchased a traditional style mola with a marlin pattern (a charm for his pending fishing tournament in Kona, Hawaii) and I struck a deal on two, one depicting kangaroos of all things! and another of donkeys. The Kuna ladies swayed around laughing when Dad showed them photographs of real kangaroos; maybe to the novice eye they are rather ridiculous looking animals or perhaps they found it funny that one roo was reclining on plush carpet with a vase of flowers near by, all but sipping ice cold beer. Whenever Nick disapproves of my purchases I tell him “it’s for the nursery” and any further discouragement is strangled by mute silence.


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