The Adventures of Nick and Blue

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bad luck with a loud bang and black smoke

From the Las Perlas we sailed west , back to the mainland dropping anchor behind a rocky island at Benao, supposedly the ‘best surf beach in Panama’. The waves were fun and the little open air restaurant/shelter made a shady place to park and read amongst the many locals who stretched out in hammocks slung from the rafters. Good cheap coffee and a view of the waves.

Unfortunately this is where, on the third day, our cruising plans were upended. Pina Colada was hit by lightening in the early morning just as Nick and I were pulling on our rashies to go surfing. After the sudden stormed had passed we checked over all the electronics
and found that 90% of them had been fried. No salt water in the bilges though and all three of us were OK.

The list of damage is unimaginable; it includes the Radar, SSB radio, VHF, Inverter, Charging regular, Alternator, Wind Generator, Sailing instruments, all audio visual equipment, ipod, gauges, some lights, many fuses, perhaps the batteries, perhaps, perhaps perhaps. That is the nature of lightening strikes. Apart from the coursing of 1000’s of volts through anything conductive with blinding speed and light, a second side effect is invisible and is called the Electric Magnetic Pulse (EMP)- a massive, fluctuating magnetic field. Although the EMP only lasts tens of micro seconds, its strength is such that a huge voltage is created in every bit of wiring, every printed circuit and all other electrical components on board. The results are burnt out wiring, dead circuit boards and possible fires. This happens to electronic and electrical equipment regardless of whether they are in use or connected to the batteries or an antenna.

So what now? Months spent back in Panama city trying to reinstate the gear, fighting to claim the substantial cost on insurance and trying not to get too down about all those unexplored trails and unridden waves in Costa Rica and Ecuador.


  • How are you doing your blog? Weren't the computers fried? Did you feel anything when the lightning hit?

    I thought you had been sensibly waiting out the storm in the cockpit but NO you were going to go SURFING! thanks goodness you are safe.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 18, 2006  

  • Shit that's terrible news!

    I hope you get it all back on your insurance, and that it doesn't take too long to get replacements.

    Must have been a loud noise to go with the lightning.

    Hey guess what I'm leaving KDC. I got a job at Jundee with my boyfriend. I'm sad to go, but I've been here nearly 3 years

    By Blogger Maja, at November 05, 2006  

  • Dang! Sorry to hear about this. Total bummer. If it had been my boat, I reckon the hull would have cracked like an egg, wot wiv it bein' a ferro, like. Note to self: must put one of those thingies up and down the mast to defer strikes.

    By Blogger Overboard, at December 03, 2006  

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