The Adventures of Nick and Blue

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bahia de Carriquez

Nick, Graeme and I arrived in Bahia de Carriquez, Ecuador, after a 6 day sail from Panama. We shot one Mahimahi under a log on the way. The wind was right on the nose and we motor sailed for 1/2 of the way to make a better heading. Raquel landed in Lima on the 30th of November and then she bussed 36 hours (and walked about ten km humping her pack past road blocks of burning tires) to meet us in Quito. We eventually met, feeling worn out; I was sick from something I ate and Raq was understandably exhausted from her epic treck north. We nestled into the hotel and caught up whilst the boys went out for Chinese. Quito looks drab and crowded as you descend into it from the surrounding Andean hills, but like so many cities, when it keeps you it imparts a likable sense of history and character. Grandiose gothic churches, century old squares livened by the shouts of youths playing soccer and the aged Ecuadorians sedately shuffling about in traditional clothing bearing smiles. The four of us happened to be there on the night of the annual carnival where tens of floats, bands and dancing devils make a colorful precession down a main street passed the pressing crowds and fireworks.


  • Hi Nick and Blue

    Finally a little word from Mariri
    I enviously read every word you write and although I am supposed to be the well seasoned old traveller in this family I revel in your epic journey and good and bad fortunes.

    The itinerants are on their way South again complete with brides, husbands and babies and Jocelyn is working herself in a finely timed lather to
    receive them all.

    Spot you later guys, fair winds and a star to steer her by
    Joost and Jocelyn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 31, 2007  

  • Thanks for the comments Joost and Jocelyn,

    We are in The Galapagos at the Mo - standby for more words and pictures!


    Nick and Blue

    By Blogger Nick and Blue, at February 08, 2007  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 11, 2007  

  • Nice legs! Hope I get some pins like that after moving to the boat.

    Happy travels Happy People!


    By Blogger Overboard, at February 12, 2007  

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